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Re: politics finances and idiot friends... (Sun Jul 7 18:43:44 2002 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Oh Pale.....you just summed up all of my dislikes 
about the politics in this hobby SO perfectly!  I 
couldnt have listed them all as well as you did.  
I think I might just need a big long break.  I 
dont think I could ever stop cold turkey, because 
there's a handful of friend here that I would 
miss very much.  But I think 6 months to a year 
of lurking would be water to the soul ~_~.  I've 
been a part of a few online communities, and the 
cel community I have found has been the hardest 
to handle.  It IS very hard to turn your cheek 
and say "Pugh, I dont care, who are these people 
to me anyways."  Its always sucky to not get 
along with people, online or face to face.  I 
cant beleive it myself...Ive made an enemy on 
this board that is far worse than any I've ever 
made in high school or college!  And I've seen 
this person once!  And there are people who cant 
stand me....and have never spoken to me 
personally at all!  Hahaha!  It's odd, odd little 
world we've created here. ~_~ -yawn-  Just woke 
up..need a bath....and some pocky ^_^ 

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