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Re: I wonder what the dropout rate is... (Sun Jul 7 07:39:03 2002 )
mouse nli [View profile ]


I have seen a few collector's go since I've been 
back in collecting.....  The main reason was 
financial stress....but the second main reason 
was the....uhhh......(hamster runs on wheel and 
searches for best words to use without sounding 
rude....and fails)....uhh, the sheer 
rudeness/gall/pestering from other collectors.  
Yup.  Lots of horror stories I've heard from 
other people, making them want to just drop it 
all.  Ontop of getting sniped on dreamcel 
auctions, getting no sleep, dealing with non-
payers, liars, whiners, getting cels ruined in 
the mail, or lost in the mail.  These are all 
reasons to make one seriously step back and 
ask.. "WHY am I doing this?"  

As for me personally..the top reason Id leave 
(and am leaving for a bit) is the financial 
strain.  I collect Watase Yuu art....and the 
competition is getting too fierce.  I make (made) 
a very good amt of money at my job, and still I 
wasnt able to keep up with the prices on the 
cels.  I remember I used to have tons of money, I 
could go on trips, buy clothes, buy things for my 
house.  Now.......nothing.  I have a nice cel 
collection....but Im generally a lot more edgy 
now than I was before I started collecting.  I 
dont get enough sleep, I spend too much time at 
work surfing for updates, I dont do much art 
anymore.....blah blah blah.  Id have to say tho, 
that even more than the financial strain is the 
politics involved in this hobby that's driving me 
away slowly. I have met a lot of people....and 
some of the things I've had to deal with, you 
just wouldnt beleive. Makes me question where 
humanity is going I tell you....  I have seen a 
few people leave the hobby, including a very good 
friend.  Most of them were either fed up with 
other collectors, tired of being broke, or just 
plain satisfied with what they had, and didnt 
want anymore.  I will be stopping for a bit til 
my job becomes stable, but in the end...it's the 
emotional and financial burdens of the hobby that 
make me want to skedaddle.  I love my cels to 
death, and Im grateful for the friends I've 
made....but I also miss the old me....back when I 
wasnt pissed all the time over what someone said 
to me regarding x cel I sold last year, or 
missing a dreamcel, or not sleeping enough....oiy 

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