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Re: So how did it go?? - Good & Bad about AX (Mon Jul 8 20:57:32 2002 )
Sakon [View profile ]

Ok, well just to get started, there were much more
positives than negatives! It was a blast! AX is
one of my high lights of the year. I think the
experience of AX was fun and entertaining the 
whole time! I really wanted to give feedback to
AX on Sunday but I had to leave early 
yesterday -_-; Any ways, I just wanted to
share will all you the goods & bads

First off the goods:

1) The price of goods - when I first got
into the dealers room I have noticed
that all the merchandise was a bit 
more reasonably priced (maybe
because I shopped at the
Usagi House/Anime Link/Rinkya
booth the most). Now I'm not sure
this is true, but it sure didn't
damage my wallet - to much - ~_^

2) The costumes - WOW - so many
good one's this year, the wolf-guy from
Vampire Hunters (forgot his name) was 
AWESOME! To bad I missed the
masquerade (look under "bad" for more
info. on that ~_~).

3) Cel Dealers - were very nice. I found
2 VERY nice cels from Youtouden,
one a pan cel! (Thanks Nichibei &
Rinkya/Usagi's House/Anime Link!)

4) Cel Meeting - Nice to put faces with
people online. Saw some very nice cels
and a few tips of how to keep my cels
in better condition.

5) The AX Staff - Thanks GOD they were
better prepared this year! They knew where
everything was and were very helpful. Last 
year it was hell trying to find info. from them.
Cheers to AX staff! ^_^

6) Anime Shows - They had shows going on
all the time - duh - but I actually saw a few
anime shows that I would have never thought
of seeing like: I My Me! Strawberry Eggs or
Those Who Hunt Elves are just a few. I loved
them all (now all I need to do I see the whole
series of them ^^;)

There are much more I just can't put them into
words right now. Unfortunately, I didn't go to any
other panels. Now here comes the part which I
don't want to happen next at AX.

The bads:

1) LINES! O_O;; For - almost - everything!
Comic Con is much bigger and doesn't have as
big as lines! Especially for exhibit hall everyday
was a 30 minute line to get in. I don't expect
them to go away next year, only just to
get bigger!

2) *SOME* People - Extremely rude! I can't
believe the manners of some of these people!
Pushing - shoving - cussing - etc. Not to
mention personal hygiene, PLEASE if you
have a hotel room - USE IT! I almost vomited
a - few - times because of some people.
(This has nothing to do with AX itself)

Lastly -

3) Masquerade Line - My anger and frustration
goes toward AX for this. I was waiting ALL year
for this event! I waited a few hours in line and 
get ticket. Disappointing enough only 1,500 were
available (from what I heard from AX staff). It 
like there was a mile of people who didn't get 
I think all the people who were in staff and 
specialty people got there's which meant less 
tickets? Advice for next time maybe have it two 
times? There has to be a better way instead of 
staying the night in line! - oh well - I should
have tried harder to get those masquerade tickets
at the cel meeting!

These are just my 2 cents I wanted to get out 
For those of you who are coming in the next few 
years get to EVERYTHING early, you never know
how big the lines are until you stand in them.

Hopefully this letter didn't offend anyone 
- in any way -

I wish I could post my cels here, but I still 
don't know how to use it ^^;

Thanks For Reading -

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