Due to the fireworks show all over downtown Long
Beach, the entire area was packed with cars and
families seeking a spot to watch the fireworks.
Cars were double-parked, even triple-parked
sometimes. An unassigned parking spot, legal or
not, was nowhere to be found.
What that meant was that folks like me couldn't
find parking near the cel meeting location, and
that resulted in me not taking any of my cels to
that panel. My friend (another fellow cel
collector) and I had 2 boxes of about 12-14 cel
books along with 2 oversized cel books all ready
to share... but it's just not worth it to carry
them a few blocks to a one-hour meeting.
So I think only those stationed at the Hyatt (the
hotel adjacent to the convention hall) and/or
already having their cels at the convention
center (dealers) were actually able to take the
majority of their collections to the panel.
Could be me, but it also seemed that the panel
was a lot smaller than last year's panel. A lot
of faces I wanted to meet again did not show up,
which was sort of a let-down. It may be that
logistics problem again or some other reasons as
I was still able to meet a few folks that I
previously only knew online, so that's always
cool. But panel definitely didn't seem to be
running at full strength. |