...the number 7. :)
When I first started into anime cel collecting, I
made a list of what I called my Seven Deadly Cels
-- the seven scenes I wanted most in all the
world. I figured that if I was lucky, maybe
someday I'd find one or two, and be ecstatic about it.
Today, I have five of them.
One, I found on eBay, and won after a fierce
battle. One was purchased from another collector,
whose gallery I had visited on a near-daily basis
to adore that specific cel. One was a trade. One
showed up on Yahoo Japan with a Buy Now price.
And the fifth was pointed out to me by another
forum regular, and glomped as fast as my fingers
could type.
The moral? Never give up! :) Look everywhere,
check the auction sites at weird hours, don't be
afraid to make good trade or monetary offers to
other collectors if they have the "perfect" cel,
and share your wishlist with your friends, so that
they can help you search.
We'll all keep our fingers crossed for you!
The list so far --
Carrot Glace in Zaha Torte's clothes. (Woo!)
A beautiful and doomed Harry MacDougall, in
Kopii Rezo with his gorgeous bi-colored eyes open.
REAL Rezo with his eyes open. !! O_O !!
Lastly, a dying Zangulus gloating in Hellmaster's
face... truly, his finest moment.
And I'll never give up until I find the last two
cels on my dream list. Not that I actually expect
to find them, but that's why they call it a dream.
:) Sometimes, you just get lucky!! |