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Emotional Attachment (Tue Jul 23 04:54:17 2002 )
nekojyan [View profile ]

I've been collecting cels for about two years 
now and my collection is growing at a really 
fast pace.  I have to admit I'm an addict.  So 
now I'm to the point where I'm re-evaluating my 
collecting habits.  When I first started I 
bought any cel of my favorite characters that I 
could find.  Now I'm thinking of only collecting 
the really nice ones, full face shots, 
backgrounds, etc.  I just sold a few really low 
end cels on Ebay this month but I can't seem to 
put up any of the others.  Man, I can't believe 
how attached I am to my cels.  I know I really 
should sell to help with my ever growing 
addiction especially since I started buying cels 
from "X".  Did anyone go through this too?  Tell 
me how to let go?

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