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Re: Looks awesome, i wanna see more.. (Mon Jul 29 05:36:28 2002 )
David [View profile ]

Yep, they came with the backgrounds.  The BGs are 
all hand painted with watercolors.  I could 
seriously sit and stare at them for hours!  
lol  : o )
You should probably get the best screenshots you 
can.  I just downloaded PowerDVD and use that to 
take images from my DVDs.  Right now I have the 
entire SMS series DVDs and the 3 movies.  The 
screencaptures I can make are pretty good 
considering the fact that they are made on this 
older computer.  I have seen better though.  If 
you would like any help getting screencaps from 
those DVDs I'd be glad to help.  : o )  You can e-
mail me if you want.
And I'm just about to post more now!

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