Buzzing along with my new cel pages, I'm hung up
on one phrase. Though entered correctly, the text
screws up when displayed. It randomly appears
or disappears - maybe showing if highlighed,
scrambling again on reload. I thought my computer
had gone haywire. o_0;;
Turns out I found a completely bizarre glitch in
my favorite font, "Papyrus". You can't use the
lower case "j" when using italics. ~_~ It just
doesn't work. Which is easy enough to avoid, but
it took me **THREE DAYS** to figure out what
wasn't working! Arrgh! o_0;;; See Ryo-Ohki below
for my current frustration gauge. ^_^;;;
Does this kind of thing happen to anyone else? Or
is it just me being lucky again?? ^_^;;;
Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (should I be frusterated or amused?? ^_^;)