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There's no right or wrong. (Sat Aug 3 20:21:25 2002 )
glimmer77 [View profile ]

Hi Lynn,
If you're referring to my gallery, I thank you 
for your concern. I do believe that cels can be 
shared without problems, but I was personally 
attacked recently by a fellow collector.  She 
informed me that I only collect cels to impress 
others.  If I had a gallery full of c-quality 
cels and I publicly announced every update, I 
would probably be petted on the head and given a 
bone.  But since my cels are primarily of a 
little higher quality, even the fact that I don't 
announce anything about my cels very frequently, 
has someone thinking that I'm out to impress.   
I collect for myself and I'm fine with being the 
only one able to see my cels.  I have also given 
my password out to those that have emailed me for 
it.  I'm not trying to hide them, but when 
someone tries to put me down because of them, 
forget it!  

Collectors that share their cels with the public 
aren't obligated to do so, it's just nice when 
they do.  I enjoyed displaying my cels and I may 
reopen my gallery to the public someday, but for 
now, I'm offended.  I know I shouldn't let one 
idiot shut me down, but I'm looking to move 
(slowly) away from collecting anyway, so this may 
be a good way to start.  

Take care,

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