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Pro-choice! (Sat Aug 3 19:05:53 2002 )
ehhh, not this time [View profile ]

I think whether a person wants to keep his or her 
gallery private is up to them.  I know MANY 
people with private galleries, and a lot of 
people who collect and dont have galleries at 
all.  Even dealers have private galleries, or no 
galleries at all.  Some people dont want to be 
hounded about what they have.  They dont want 
people making offers, getting jealous, demanding 
cels, emailing constantly, and lets not forget 
stealing their images or making fancels from 
them. Some people like to collect cels for 
themselves, not to show off to others.  I for one 
think it's a good idea, especially for big 
collectors, dealers, or people who have no time 
to corespond a lot.  I dont think they should be 
slammed for wanting to live a quiet cel life. I 
dont keep most of my cels private, but I do 
utilize the protected area on RS for a few cels 
for certain reasons:

A)  They're not paid for yet
B) If people knew I had them Id either get talked 
about or Id get hammered with offers
c) The sellers dont want it known I have the cel 
for awhile

So, you see, private galleries have their 
advantages, so please do not demean people who 
have them.  It's their choice and their right 
~_~  I myself would like to see more cels out 
there...but Im one of those pests that if I see 
something I like, I'll email about it...and we 
all know how tiresom people like me can 
get..^^;;  One idea...why dont you email the 
person with the gallery in question, as it's 
obviously someone in particular that sparked you 
to feel this way, and ask them if you may have 
access to their site ^_^. Some people will allow 
you to see if you ask them, it's worked for me a 
number of times.

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