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Wooow! Cannot stop drooling! Sorry, please take a look inside for my dream cel(!) which arrived today... (Thu Aug 8 22:10:52 2002 )
Si Haywood [View profile ]


Which for the few people who know of me on this 
board must come as quite a suprise!

I've been into DBZ for a while now and never 
thought I would get a Super Vegeta cel, well not 
for a respectable price and this, in my opinion 
is a gorgeous cel ok ok so we miss 1/2 of his 
head but what a great evil, I'm gonna kick your 
backside smirk!!! ^_^

Sorry, sorry I will calm down eventually! Just a 
couple of qu's to anyone who was kind enough to 
read this and also can help me out! 

Firstly, can anyone give me an episode reference 
for this shot? I don't have this part of Z on 
DVD, and it's been a while since Isaw it on TV. I 
have a fairly good idea but I would love to find 
the exact episode!

Secondly! Which in a similar vein to firstly 
begs, a *gulp* screencap would be amazing if 
anyone could help me out!? *sheepish grin*

And finally folks! I got two great freebies with 
this from celga, (my first time ordering) does 
this happen often?? I mean, I haven't a clue what 
the heck series they came from - I'll maybe 
post 'em up here once I've scanned them for 
indentification puposes - But is it Celga, or the 
YJ seller who is packing the bonus cels with the 
auctions?? Hmm, still I'm NOT complaining!

Sorry for the huuuuuuge! Post and thanks any 
brave individuals who trawled through it! 
And here is my cel! Isn't he.... gorgeous??!? ^_^

Si ^_^

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