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Just because someone doesn't KNOW it's wrong... (Thu Aug 15 21:14:49 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]


...doesn't justify it.

On another point, it really isn't a big deal. But 
have you ever had anyone use your graphic, that 
you most likely spent time creating, on their 
website? It doesn't matter, but they should have 
at least ASKED. It annoys and angers you...it's 
like when you put your stuf down to sit someone 
at lunch, and when you come back with your food 
someone has taken your spot. It's not harrowing, 
but it's annoying as hell and back,

As for the fact that it is futile; yes. You can't 
police the whole web, it is true. But that 
DOESN'T mean you can't get annoyed when people DO 
use your graphics a try to STOP them when you see 
it. There's nothign wrong with venting 
frustration on this board, and there's nothing 
wrong with asking people to stop when you DO 
catch them.


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