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(Very) OT: Weiß gets a new look... (Tue Aug 20 22:10:32 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]

...alrighty, I found this out at the beginning of 
the summer, but I just can't help but share it. 
Many of you know about the new Weiß season, 
Gluhen,  that was scheduled to air this year, but 
was pushed back due to copyright problems with 
the character designs; mainly that they don't own 
them. So, they had to change the designs, and 
Koyasu Takehito put them up on his site...and my 
god, they make me want to cry. They're not that 
bad until you get to poor Omi (also showcased 
below simply to frighten you).


Aya looks like a gay Olba Frost. Ken looks like 
the long-lost twin brother of Shiratori form 
Nadesico. Yohji is apparently the love-child of 
Onizuka (with a cowboy hat!). And Omi...::sobs:: 
poor Omi looks like something straight out of the 
third Reich! What's with the gray hair? Did he 
AGE? His eyes have changed shape!

Oh, yeah...and their white crosses are now 


P.S. - Although I may be hard on them, I don't 
hate the new designs as much as I pretend to...I 
actually like Aya much better. They're just -so- 
fun to mock...I mean, look at them!

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