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Re: Time for more frivolous trading! Dig out those cels you aren't in love with! (Tue Aug 20 01:45:32 2002 )
Kitt [View profile ]

Timely thread!  I have 5 Master of Mosquiton OVA 
cels that I won along with cels I wanted to keep 
in a 13 cel auction a while back. 

I'm not certain if any of them would appeal to 
you though, Celtyrant!  (All girls...which is 
why I don't really want 'em!) But if you like any 
of them, there are a few cels on your trade page 
that have caught me eye!

If anyone is interested in cels of Inaho, Inaho 
and Rasputin or a cel of Camille, please take a 
look at this page:

Please forgive any broken images or links on the 
rest of my site, I'm in the midst of a massive 
update/redesign!  (Someday I might actually be 
finished with it!  ~_~ )

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