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Time for more frivolous trading! Dig out those cels you aren't in love with! (Tue Aug 20 00:57:42 2002 )
Celtyrant [View profile ]

Well, I had so much fun the last time, that I'd 
like to do it again. The link above is the trade 
page. The cel of the vulture is actually a whole 
sequence. All the backgrounds you see are 
original. Some come with sketches, some don't. 
Do you have cels to trade? I don't even /care/ 
what series they are from! I just want new stuff 
to look at! ^_^ I know some of you TNN have cels 
of the boys you wanna get rid of..or Generator 
Gawl collectors have a few extras hanging 
around. Maybe some b-level cels from more 
expensive shows? I don't care! Bring it on, 
cause I wanna trade! I will do mltiples, just 
make a trade offer. 

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