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Can someone grab me a CB screenshot? (Thu Aug 22 23:22:04 2002 )
summfox [View profile ]


I've decided that there's one last thing I'd like 
to include with my sister's wedding gift... a 
screencapture of her cel from Cowboy Bebop! So if 
anybody out there has the time, I would really 
appreciate it if you could grab me a screen cap. 
Preferably as large as you can take one.

The episode is Mushroom Simba (not sure what the 
Session number is - this information would be 
great as well, I want to do a slick print off on 
the back with some information about where 
exactly the cel came from.) The background I have 
with it is non-matching, so be advised. :)

You can email the image to me at wicked@cel-
ohki.com. Size isn't a problem. Thanks! If 
anybody is willing to do this, please post a 
response here so other people don't do it too.

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