The shinma often have a "prettier" form which you
see until they fight Miyu - that's Moru's "pretty"
form. I think I have her true form on a trading
card (which I can scan if you like) but below is
my only cel of one of the shinma in their true
form. It's the one from the idol singer episode
and was an unknown cel on Ebay. ^_^
He's one of the coolest looking true forms. It's
tough to see in this cel, but he has three legs
(like a piano) and his wrists and hands float
separate from his arms. It's not a critter you
forget quickly. ^_^
If anyone has Vampire Miyu shinma cels they don't
want. . . (*waves some money temptingly!!*) ^_~
I'm so out of luck trying to collect them since
dealers never recognize them.
Many Sharp Smiles,