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Re: What's that one show that you admire from a distance? (Mon Sep 9 16:45:18 2002 )
Chaotic Serenity [View profile ]


Good question.  Since I'm a younger collector 
with limited funds, there are times I just 
to...well, give it up.

Anime:  I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that the 
new Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust movie exceeded 
expectations...and funds.  I don't mind the 
prices--I think the quality deserves it, but it's 
just out of my range.

American:  I'm not particularly keen on 
collecting them since they're ridiculously 
expensive, but I would absolutely adore getting 
my hands on anything from Invader Zim or Disney's 
The Lion King.  But since I KNOW that will 
never happen...well, it's anime for me. ^_^

-Chaotic Serenity

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