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Your site has been chosen by the NWO...... (Fri Sep 13 04:18:41 2002 )
Alex Phoon [View profile ]

As a test case for 6,000 hits and no feedback for 
a psychological experiment.... 

But seriously I would not be put out by the lack 
of feedback. Most collectors I know (myself 
included) will only scan through galleries for 
most part. (BTW it is a very nice gallery! - I 
like your Escaflowne cels very much)

Even if I see cels I would like I probably will 
not write to the gallery owner unless I want to 
make a firm offer for a cel or to discuss a 
specific cel eg if I have another cel in the same 
sequence or scene.

Its terrible I know. But I think your not alone. 
Geocities is telling me I've had 8000 hits on the 
galleries pages but I've received maybe a dozen 
emails altogether in 18 months. And thats 
counting the ones telling me to move to 

Good luck!

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