First of all, it was the Japanese licensor that
was insisting on calling the English release of
Saiyuki "Paradise Raiders." ADV had nothing to do
with that one.
What they did manage to do was finally, after many
months of negotiation, get the licensor to agree
to allow them to call it Saiyuki. ^_^ No more
Paradise Raiders, and it's ADV we have to thank
for that! ^_^
This was formally announced at Otakon, and unless
I've missed a retraction somewhere, it still
stands. ^_^
As for the rest of the ADV critcism, I'll stand
aside on it -- I don't have the knowledge to asses
it one way or another. But I did want to make this
correction. There's no sense in blaming ADV for
things that aren't their fault, no matter what
people may think of them. ^_^
BTW, because I know tone is difficult to read in
messages -- this all being said with the
friendliest of intentions! Note the liberal use of
^_^ !
(Lizzard dodges as people pelt her with vegetables) |