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I also had a bad experience with Amina (Sat Apr 2 03:33:36 2005 )
AnimeJewell [View profile ]


   I came across your warning as I was about to 
post my eBay auctions and I also had a negative 
experience with Amina  (PrkAmi7@aol.com).  
   She contacted me saying that she wanted to 
buy one of my cels and would like to pay over 2 
1/2 months.  I agreed and she said that she 
would start paying in two weeks.  I contacted 
her to ask her if she was still interested a 
couple of times as she never sent a check.  I 
understand that life isn't always even and 
things come up financially.  She never again 
emailed me or even responded to my emails as I 
think that it's only polite to let a person know 
you've changed your mind, especially if you 
approach them to buy a cel.
    I too think that if you decide to sell 
anything to Amina, then you should have the 
money in hand, preferably a money order before 
sending any cels or genga to her.  Perhaps, it 
was an off time for her; but selling between 
collectors is based on trust and when there is 
no trust left then it really saddens me.

Thanks for reading this,

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