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Re: Normally, which part of Tokyo will you guys shop? (Wed Sep 18 22:39:26 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

Actually, yeah.  Nakano was actually the place 
that I wanted to get over to while I was in 
Japan, but never got my butt over there-- aka, 
no one else wanted to go with me...  Plus, it 
would have been kinda expensive to go, coming 
from Nagoya.  I had enough schollarship money to 
last for a month and beyond the esential food 
money, transportation money, and the large 
portion left over for meger anime/etc 
shopping...  lol  that didn't leave much for 
actual travel.  Did get over to Nara by way of 
Kyoto... but besides that, didn't really get to 
see many places.  I hope next time I get over 
there (crosses fingers to finish and graduate 
this year), I'll be able to do everything that I 
wasn't able to this past time.  But, no matter 
where you go, as long as you're in a big city, 
you'll always find some kind of anime related 
shop to go explore.  Right now though, even 
though I'm still in the anime cel fad, I see my 
interests changing somewhat-- going for more 
drama related stuff and music...  heehee  But I 
guess for us Americas, we all tend to get 
interested in Japanese stuff in general by first 
experiencing anime, right?  heehee  So, I will 
say that I am greatful for anime for that reason 
alone-- I will not, however, be greatful for it 
putting a grand hole in my pocket...  
lol  ::sigh::  Hobbies are just too damn 
expensive these days, especially one like 
ours!!  lol


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