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Re: I'm an April Fool- WARNING for seller Walter Sysak (Fri Apr 1 18:48:51 2005 )
ore-sama [View profile ]

Sorry not to be of any use, but two strange 
things struck me in your text: since when does 
one need to regularly actively send money to an 
ISP? Don't they automatically charge your credit 
card? In the case of GeoCities it's so. As for 
the ISP (you mean the one offering connection of 
webhosting?) offering connection, it's indeed 
possible through homebanking, so IF he had 
internet access while in hospital, he could have 
paid his ISP, but not you unless he knows your 
bank data.

Then: hospital? When hospitalized, you can 
indeed not send cels, but can you chat? I dunno 
about other hostos, but I've been in many and 
none had a computer with internet access. Unfair.

It's either him lying or you jumping to 
conclusions. Try to get his phone number: a 
talking voice can't lie as easily as typed 
letters. Oh, here's an idea: call his local 
hospital :) "Is Walter Sysak hospitalized 
here?". Always track down "the enemy", analyze 
all they say, read between the lines, check 
whether what they say makes sense or maybe 
contradicts. It easily happens unless they're 
perfect fulltime liars.
Exemple: "I just took the garbage out, btw, I 
received a phonecall for you 2 minutes ago". How 
can you pick up the phone while taking out 
garbage? One of the 2 actions are lies. Pay  
attention to such things.

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