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I'm an April Fool- WARNING for seller Walter Sysak (Fri Apr 1 16:52:49 2005 )
aion [View profile ]

Another person I'm blacklisting- I ordered a cel 
from "Wally" who posted on the forum that his 
collection was up for offers.
His site is www.sysak.com, and his e-mail address 
is wbs@sysak.com (it's on the site). 
I made an offer for one of his cels, he made a 
counteroffer, which I agreed on.
I sent him a check for the cel back in the 
beginning of January, he cashed it, and never 
sent me my cel.  He emailed me a couple of 
replies saying he was in the hospital, would send 
the cel, blah blah.  Never came.  I asked for a 
refund.  Guess what?  It never came either. Funny 
that he can send money to his ISP to keep his e-
mail account and website but his health is too 
poor to do the same for me. So my recommendation 
would be: don't buy stuff from him.  Don't be 
fooled like me!  :)

Note- if Walter bothers to read this- I'll be 
happy to put another post here if you ever send 
my cel or refund.

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