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"Be humble" should BE ASHAMED for being such a pathetic wet blanket. . . (Sat Sep 21 08:30:30 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


And I sense probably also a sore loser?? Go rain 
on someone else's parade! Yes, he got very upset 
when he was so sure he'd missed that cel. He got 
upset because *IT MEANS A LOT TO HIM*. Nick did 
not GIVE IT away to him -- it was paid for fair 
and square just like anyone else who won it would 
have had to do. . . For the price tag that was 
put on it.

So if you're suggesting he got it because he got 
upset about it -- Nick doesn't work like that.

And if you're suggesting Nick should have yanked 
it back and upped the price when he learned the 
ID -- well, he also doesn't work like that! And I 
say **GOOD**! Thankfully there are some times - 
even in this hobby - when the almighty dollar IS 
NOT the way to get everything. Once in a while 
you only have to be first in line. . . not so 
dripping with cash you keep your small bills 
rolled up next to your toilet!

So there's absolutely NO reason for him to feel 
he has to be humble just because a lot of other 
people wanted the cel and he got it for a 
fabulous price! Instead I think he should happily 
crow it to the sky and ignore hopeless *whining* 
like yours -- which I find far more offensive 
than what he posted to Nick's fourm in the first 

Many Sharp Smiles,

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