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Re: Re: Yes no spider man...pleeease.. (Mon Sep 23 19:09:35 2002 )
requiem [View profile ]

heehee, actually I'd go further than that and 
send you a complimentary cel layer that would 
match up to her chest the little spider symbol.  
Maybe a green goblin in the background... 
redesigned so he looked more like a cyborg from 
the scrap yard of course.  

But I have an active imagination and an odd sense 
of humor.  *cof*  for backgrounds you might want 
to try moonshine cels, cels.org (it's shura's 
fancel site) and I don't believe either of them 
come to this forum.  I imagine if leandra was 
interested she'd have contacted you by now.  One 
of those three would be my top picks if I were 
looking to have one done myself.

I'm impressed that you actually *looked* at my 
status page.  Most people don't so I keep getting 
requesta and having to point them to it and 
suggest they find someone else or come back in a 
few weeks.

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