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Nope... (Wed Oct 9 01:19:47 2002 )
meow [View profile ]

NONE of the cels above the harmony cel is real.  
They are ALL copies.  Even the neptune cel.  Just 
because you can see the numbering doesn't mean 
anything.  You can see the numbering in all those 
cels, but it's hard to tell because distinguising 
between black sequence #'s on a black or realy 
dark background is very difficult to do ^^;!

The ONLY thing you be getting that is a cel in 
the Harmony cel below the 6 color copied cels.  
All the color copied cels are...Are pieces of 
paper.  It's like they took the choice cels to 
Kinko's, & made high-quality PAPER copies of 
them.  They aren't selling the actual cels of the 
above 6 on the auction...only PAPER copies of 

Hope this clarified things for you!

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