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Fushigi Yuugi twins, anyone? (Fri Oct 11 05:48:33 2002 )
Chaotic Serenity [View profile ]

Yes, this scan is horrible, do please forgive 
it's presence.  XD  That's because it's the 
seller's scan, and he's not quite here yet.  He 
is in transac now, though.  *grin*

Although I do not collect often from the 
television series for Fushigi Yuugi, I've always 
loved the Seiryuu seishi, and sadly, they don't 
make many appearances in the OAVs.  *sniffles*  I 
was particularly keen on picking some stuff of 
the twins since they would be a challenge.  Well, 
I picked up my ultimate wishlist cel of them, and 
then I figured I wouldn't find anything else nice 
of those two.  To my surprise, I've recently 
picked up both Suboshi and Amiboshi television 
sketches in the past two weeks.  And that's alot, 
seeing as though I'm usually the person half a 
day too late. ^______^

So here's Amiboshi, in all his flute playing 
glory, in a horrid scan, but one whom I know I 
will love as dearly as my one of Shouka.

-Chaotic Serenity

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