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Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... (Thu Oct 10 17:38:12 2002 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

I had NO idea you had THAT!!! * O *

(for some reason when you said "gren sketch" i 
must have been thinking of something else..... i 
thought you had a different sketch or 
something... different GREN?? for god's sake, I 
have lost my mind.......O x o)

Ok... so yes.. that's beautiful... 

Can I have it, like, 800 x 600 pixels to plaster 
on my desktop??! or maybe... 

>oooo< I want the abby sketch too........

*breathes* Ok. i'm better now. talk to ya soon! 


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