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The only thing the boy is good for! (Mon Oct 21 02:07:16 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]


Hehehe, sorry, I just love Heero torture, as I 
want to smack the character around more than a 
few times. Of course, he's also good for yaoi 
pairings, but there's so much of that these days 
that it's hard to wade through all of the bad 
fics to find the good ones ;_;

Lovely cel! Nothing like a young boy lying in a 
pool of his own blood due to his own psychoses 
that really gets me going ^^ But seriously, 
that's a droolworthy cel, Evil...once again you 
managed to nab some of the best. Cels w/ blood = 
very very cool. Anime blood rocks my socks off. 
Now if only Trowa hadn't adopted a personality 
for a short time period to save him...

-Misha, who thinks Char would eat the G-boys for 

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