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*Sigggh* (Thu Oct 24 17:52:38 2002 )
YukiNeko (nli) [View profile ]


Well, my webspace provider decided to up and 
delete my page with no prior warning.

My site probably isn't known enough to warrant 
this-- but if you try to reach my gallery 
(SnowCalico's Cel Gallery) you'll get a 404 

Yann- I intend to give you a new URL for my spot 
in the ring as soon as I can. College makes it 
difficult to have time to rebuild a site from 
scratch. -_-

Whats worse is, dummy that I am... seems I only 
saved thumbnails of most of my scans. Grah. It'll 
be quite sometime.

Currently I'm considering buying my own website, 
but the fact I've used HTML editors most of my 
online existence-- that may not be a possibility.

At any rate, if there is anyone who visited my 
gallery, now they know why its suddenly not there.


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