Hi there Kou,
Perhaps his statement "Selling everything that
isn't bolted down" was simply an exaggeration?
Besides, in a forum such as this, the only real
items that he should be listing for sale/offer
are his cel/anime related items, not all his
earthly possesions (unless that's all he DOES
own o_0 j/k) .
One does not need a reason to sell or buy
anything. If they want to do either, it's at
their own discretion. In any event, this person
is just trying to sell some cels to even out on
his other expenses. He sees a cel that
interests him during his sales and wants to bid
on it, that's his perogative. I can't speak for
everyone, but I know I've been on that boat
(selling cels to payoff expenses and wishlists
just waltz on by at the same time LOL). Instead
of going so far as to try to insult him by
calling him a "Hypocrite", why don't we all just
refrain from posting in his thread unless we are
making an offer to him or wishing him the best
of luck with his sales? And by all means, no
offense is directed to you, Kou, or to anyone
for that matter. This was just my 2 cents for
all that is worth ^__^
- RalphVboy
P.S. Good luck with the sales e-n-j ~_^ |