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Re: still bidding on cels (Thu May 19 05:09:30 2005 )
marie :) [View profile ]

I think I missed something.

Is it not OK to sell your cels to raise capitol 
and still bid on other things?

I know I do that.  Sometimes I need to raise some 
money for "household" and sometimes I'm 
spending "personal" money.  I've even spent other 
people's money before :)

I didn't really think it mattered to other people 
the details on why I do things.  (my finances are 
so hard to follow I don't think I COULD explain 
them to someone else).

I guess I just figure that people can do with 
their collections and their money whatever they 
like and for whatever reason.  It's their 
personal choice, afterall.

marie :)

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