wow... i've had some whacko emails, but never an
email that said "i will kill you" O_o
i've been thinking this over because it is such
an upsetting situation... i can only imagine how
you must be feeling right now!
really there is only one way to stay safe ---
you must send out portions of your collection to
various members of the forum here.... we will
promise to protect them, and it will throw the
stalker off the scent!! you can tell him
there's just no point since all cels are no
longer in your possession!
i for one will be the first volunteer to assist
you. please send all zechs cels to me as soon
as possible, and i will guard them safely until
this fiend has been caught by the authorities!!
we're here to help you whizzy!
ummm, and don't worry if my email account does
not work when you are ready to re-claim your
cels.... that happens sometimes. i'll be sure
to keep in touch though! ^_~ |