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Re: how bizarre... (Fri Nov 1 22:35:43 2002 )
luna-art [View profile ]

whizzy --

Wow!!  A death threat?!?  Over cels?!?  Or, at 
least it sounds somewhat cels related.

I had some misgivings about putting my email 
address on my webpage.  It's been up for 6 months 
and I'm surprised I haven't received a nasty-gram 
of some kind yet. *crosses fingers*  In fact, I 
have been lucky enough to not get any spam on my 
account until a couple of days ago.  I got one of 
those South African internet money scam emails.  
Maybe these are really common, but it's the first 
time I've received anything like it.  *Ugh* 

I've heard many, many collectors complain about 
the crazy mail they get.  I would freak out if I 
received a death threat!

Good luck!!  Hopefully you won't hear from this 
nut again.

~Luna-Art >^.^<

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