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Re: Sooo, I'm not the only one... (Thu Nov 7 07:28:49 2002 )
curarae [nli] [View profile ]


actually, the reason i chose to name him that 
isn't tied into anime as much as it could be... 
my best male friend (a status that has given 
me nothing but trouble) has a mac powerbook 
named celeste. ever since i met him, it was a 
running joke that celeste was his woman 
(though he probably treated her better than 
any of the women in his life... and that's not 
saying much). *cough* when i was at the 
beginning of my otaku career, i watched the 
AMG movie and loved celestin's character 
design. and when i bought my laptop shortly 
thereafter, it seemed the perfect name to tie in 
a number of things, especially since my friend 
grew more and more envious of my new 
powerbook/my 'man' as his 'woman' fell into 
disrepair (told you he didn't treat his women 
well!). i have weird friends. anyway, so that's 
the not-terribly-otaku reason behind my 
insanity in this case. but yes, i name my 
computers. my old pc is named 'mlle. 
antichrist' (a camus reference). and i also still 
think that my stuffed animals (and my cels 
actually) have feelings, despite there being no 
logic in such a belief) *ducks flying items 
without names headed in her direction*

and all i can say about the name of your 
computer is... *swoon*



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