Um, There is probably some miscommunication going
on between you and Jason, and being rude and
immature about it isn't going to help any.
On Jason's defense:
* He can do almost anything he pleases with his
site because he runs it, out of his own pocket.
So if he says one week, that's it.
* The cost for bandwith on Rubberslug must be
enormous. And hosting the images off of HIS
server would cost even more. Almost everyone
wants to keep thier bandwith down... even me.
On your defense:
* If you were honestly not selling anything on
your site, then all you had to do was email him
and let him know your side of the story.
* If he gets angry with you publicly (or
privately), then the fault is on *him*. (the
moment you start calling people names or
insulting them, that is when you come out to be
the bad guy... )
Next time you have a run-in with authority of any
kind, try to keep your cool, and things will work
out better in the end. |