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Re: How do you know a cel is a repro cel? (Mon Dec 9 04:50:24 2002 )
Fran [View profile ]

I saw most repros with the studio stamp on the 
right bottom corner of the cel to indicate it is 
a repro (official repro) from that studio.

Whilst, some others will state e.g. "15/200" to 
indicate this is the 15th repro of the total of 
200 repros they made.

Some repros do not carry backgrounds. If they 
have, MOST PROBABLY, it is a laser copy 

Others come with certificates. Some do not. The 
only way to tell if it is an official repro is 
like differentiating a fake and an original 
production cel. Well, I thought the same way 
applies. Just my 2-cents.

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