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Ummm...no... (Wed Dec 11 05:46:53 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]


...while I can't say for sure whether they're 
real or not this point is starting to annoy me. 
Either you people are coloreblind or I'm going 
crazy. I suggest utilize the zoom function in a 
graphics program and notice that his eyebrows are 
the same dark gray/blue color as the darkest 
parts of his hair, like a shadow. Also, the same 
goes for the screencap. His eyebrows are niether 
white nor black in either, but grey-blue. They're 
simply different shades since the screencaps are 
washed out. Please stop using an incorrect point.

I'm inclined to think they're real since they're 
from such awkward moments. I don't know many 
fancel creators who would go through the trouble 
of creating an eyes closed, mildly fugly upwards 
shot of Yue...do you?

Also, a point to be made is that there was very 
little consistency of style for Yue...he looked 
different in every ep, so comparing your cels to 
this is moot. Obviously, this style was in the 
episodes, since there are screencaps.The line 
THICKNESS is fine...the only part I seem to doubt 
is their crispness, and a tiny bit of what may be 

Also, the most important thing that sways me to 
think they're real; they go BELOW the screencap. 
What I mean is the image extends on all sides 
beyond what is shown in the episode...very few 
fancel artists go to that trouble.

I'm inclined to think they're real. But if you 
doubt it...asks for scans of the sequence 
numbers, and (while this may not help much) the 
backs of the cels.


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