See... my friend screencapped from the sequence
to show me. After I saw it I remembered that you
had one that looked like mine as well. I'm not
sure of what sequence # yours is though. And when
I compared yours and mine together.. they are SO
similar, but the colors are so different. When I
referenced the screencap that she made for me, I
realized that it was in fact - YOUR cel (it
matched perfectly... and was A7 or A8 in the
sequence, don't remember exactly though). Now my
curiousity is peaked.
The colors are the first thing that are noticably
different between both of our cels, and his left
hand is more noticably changed. But there are
some slight differences. As much as I would like
to enjoy being your sequence buddy, I cannot. My
friend insists that my cel does not appear in
this sequence. She even capped each cel. *sigh*.
Someone mentioned to me in chat that this cel
could be from a *number* of episodes. O___o If
this cel (or one like it) is repeated so often..
can anyone tell me perhaps a range of episodes
that it is most likely to be in? Thanks so much :)