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This is all very correct. . . (Sun Dec 22 00:34:52 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


Yes, that is the legality of it. However, that is 
part of what I meant by "I don't know how much 
money you're talking about here". There's a point 
at which it becomes a question of: What are the 
chances this person actually will cause any real 
problems for me as opposed to just sending a 
message with some nasty words inside?

No matter what the legality, there are a lot of 
people who won't bother to pursue it. Either it's 
not enough to be worth it, or they don't care, or 

Of course, legally speaking, the original Ebay 
idea probably isn't legal either unless the buyer 
agrees to it. If the buyer is non-responsive, 
then what? I'm not a lawyer, but if you can't get 
in touch with the person, I'll bet there's a 
point at which the deal is considered terminated.

The only other solution is to simply treat the 
buyer as they've treated you. Ignore their 
messages, and basically drop off the face of the 
planet. (*shrug*) See what they do. If they 
vanish, all the better.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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