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Re: What's The Big Deal ??? Actually... (Fri Jan 3 06:08:10 2003 )
Flippy [View profile ]


I'm not a big curser, spitter or even a prolific 
poster to this forum. I also understand people 
have different personal views regarding image 
stealing. If you don't mind someone using your 
cel image or other, that is certainly your 
personal business. 

Chibiusa brought up a really good point in the 
whole idea that less than honest people can prey 
on the unsuspecting by using images that aren't 
theirs in "sale" ventures.

Here is the point I would like to make that 
applies to Rubberslug policy specifically, the 
disclaimer on the Rubberslug homepage:

Site-wide Disclaimer

Rubberslug is primarily for displaying original 
animation art such as sketches and cels. You MUST 
possess the original artwork. It is not designed 
to house copyrighted mass-produced items 
(postcards, artbooks, etc.) which will likely end 
in RS -- a FREE service -- being bullied into 
submission by a irritable copyright holder. If 
you have copyrighted artbook-type art in your 
site, this will unfortunately be grounds for site 
disconnection. Original artwork only, please. 
Thanks for keeping RS out of legal trouble.

It says it right there. "You MUST possess the 
original artwork." 

I don't know how image stealing is handled on 
other sites. but what that says there regarding 
this site seems to be pretty clear.



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