> 1.) I collect only original production cels,
> genga, or douga. Safe and dry land..
One point off for me. . . I have fancels. I like
to blame ix, but Gwen will probably complete my
downfall. ^_^
> 2.) I collect only original Hankens, creator
> drawings, or sketches (if only I had the money)
Actually, I don't really care about Hankens. They
really don't interest me -- except for *one*. The
only Hanken cel I want is the one used to make
the teeny tiny picture of Keith and Burn on the
spine of the domestic release DVD. For some
reason, I just *REALLY* like that image. ^_^
Anyhow, I don't know if that counts off or not.
> 3.) I ABSOLUTELY never sell my cels, damn it...
Rats. . . Mark another off for me. I almost
always sell unknown freebies and non-matching BGs.
> Collect those nasty fan cels, reproductions, or
> the like, because they are not production cels
> or original work that I can view on my TV
> screen or at the movies.
Actually, I vote to change my score above to only
marking 1/2 off for owning fancels instead of a
full point off since I *only* have original pose
fancels. Besides, I don't have many of them
anyway. ^_~
> Who would want something
> so beautiful, clean, and hand-painted anyway?
I can lick them a few times if that would improve
my score. I had lobster ravioli for dinner
tonight, I'm sure it would leave smears. (*grin*)
> I never add a non-production background with a
> cel, unless it's a laser copy of the original.
I'm not doing terribly well here. ^_^;; I have to
take off yet another point since I did buy two
cels which came with non-matching backgrounds
that were very close to the original BGs. . . And
I left them on the non-matching BGs.
Actually I change my mind again, and vote to only
take off 1/2 point since I've never *myself*
added a non-matching BG to a cel. Other people
did it before me. ^_^ Yeah, that's it. ^_~
> I never post links or addresses on auctions of
> cels that may be of great interest, because
> doing so would may possibly hurt a collector
> that will be or has bid on the cel by increasing
> the competition for that cel or cels.
Uhm. . . (*thinking*) I don't think I've ever
posted an auction link to an ongoing auction. But
I'm not in the mood to do the Forum search -- if
you can find a place I did, then. . . well, then
I'll know you *REALLY* had too much time on your
hands. ^_~~~
> I never intentionally respond to newbie
> questions if they can find out the information
> on their own with a bit of searching. Lazy
> brats! ^-^ muhahaha.
While I completely agree with the "lazy brats"
aspect of this (you should SEE some of the dumb
questions I get through my YJ Info page ~_~;;
didja bother to READ the page before writing to
me??), I answer even the dumb ones since it means
the person doesn't ask it again here. ;;^_^;; So
I only have to take off 1/2 point, since I'm
sparing everyone else from the newbies!
> Btw, I like to say "muhahahaha", a lot.
Humph! I get two points *extra* because I say
"bwahahaha" instead of "muhahaha". Jeez! Keep up
with the times!
> I create my own web page, because sites that
> let you follow a set pattern, are easy to set
> up, but look all the same, just turn me off and
> I consider not very creative
WHEE! I finally get a point! (*smirk*) My page
may be boring as hell, but at least I can say I'm
the one who put it together! Bwahahaha! ^_~
> I never reveal my resources, to keep my goodies
> coming only to me if possible.
Yay! Another point! I'm on a roll! Oops. . . Wait,
that's not true since I do help people on Yahoo
Japan all the time, thus opening the resource up
to them. Nuts. . . Hang on while I think of a
reason to give myself back at least 1/2 of this
lost point. . .
> I have no care whatsoever if my best friend
> wants a "dream cel" for the same cel that I
> want on an auction and the price soars because
> I want it a little more than she does.
Actually, I don't think I've ever been in this
position. . . But then my friends generally use
the term "dream cel" only when they *mean it*,
and thus don't use it to mean only "the next cel
of ______ to come down the pike". ^_~~
That can't count as a point, but at least I don't
have to lose a point! (*grin*)
> On the other hand I decided that I can justify
> selling all of my cels because I am getting
> married, and it is just a hobby afterall
> (*tongue in cheek*) See ya!!
AH! My brain is frying! I can't decide if I lose
a point since I didn't hold any mass sales either
when I got married OR when I bought my house. . .
Or if I win a point for keeping the cels! @_@
Since it's not fair to ask trick questions, I
vote I gain points equal to the square root of
negative 2. HA! Calculate that, you sorry bastard!
Hmmm. . . Should I take Darsh's name in vain? ^_^
> "I" decided to quit because my mom,husband,
> boyfriend, neighbor down the street, found out
> I was using their credit card for buying
> cels
Really? I think you should share exactly how you
did that so we ALL learn a GOOD lesson from it!
Uhm. . . How many points did I end up with? @_@;
Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (completely fang-in-cheek! . . .ouch. ^_^;)