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Show me - hairstyles! And... PRIDE (Wed Jan 22 17:33:08 2003 )
ore-sama (fancels.org) [View profile ]


Ore-sama am going to a party on Friday (ore 
hoooooope so). And ore-sama's friend is coming, 
too. She hates Miaka, so ore-sama thought, ore'd 
do ore-self her buns to creep her up, but HOW!? 
Ore-sama know how to do Miyu's braid, but not the 
bun. Also, ore'd like draw male attention, and 
ore-sama's ass is too wide for that ^_^;
So PLEASE :) show ore-sama girls with interesting 
HUMANLY POSSIBLE hairdos :) FYI, ore-sama have 
about 20 inch long red hair, quite strong, too. 
And slightly waved from braids.
Ore'd be grateful for any celmade inspiration :)
If it helps, http://fancels.org/haha/haha

And as for the other show ore-sama...
Ore's classmate Sam just produced his first CD, 
he sings and drums in a punk band and ore-sama 
has the proud job of doing the copying job of the 
CDs :) Hey, ore'm part of a music production ^__^

So show ore some really proud ppl :)

Also, Almathea, if you read this... Ore-sama can 
un4tunately only bring one friend to the party 
and the one ore've asked along first is ore's 
best friend (ore want to confront her with ore's 
spouse so she knows what embarrassment is). But 
if she turns tail (ore have vicious plans with 
her, harrharr), wanna join ore? ^__^

*goes on litening to Sam's CD*

PS Excuse the ore, ore'm in a veeeeery silly 
mood... after all, ore-sama will... umm.. 
nevermind, just hit me :)

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