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Re: Has eBay become the dumping ground for cels, or is that old news? (Sat Feb 8 19:42:07 2003 )
Cres [View profile ]

Picking through a hundred things you don't want, 
in order to find something you like, is always 
part of a collector's search, whether you're 
looking through cel vendor sites, YJ, Ebay, or a 
physical store.

In general, I don't really think that the influx 
of fancels or junk cels have much ability to hurt 
people selling high-end cels. The market for high-
end cels is always going to be serious collectors-
- and a serious collector will always be able to 
tell the difference between the value of a 
fancel, the value of a junk cel, and the value of 
a perfect shot of a particular character.

But prices have definitely been not kind to 
sellers in the last year, and I think it's more 
of a matter of people cutting back their spending 
habits. Jobs are a little iffy sometimes. You 
don't want to buy a thousand-dollar cel and then 
get laid off the next day. Other collectors who 
have previously been buying up the fancels and 
the junk cels are either moving away from 
collecting in general, or becoming "ant" 
collectors and saving their money for nicer 
shots, leaving even the junkcels and fancels 
without buyers. Some established collectors have 
collections that have gotten to the point that 
they're only missing a handful of specific shots 
that would grant their collection "completeness", 
and they're willing to wait. And a lot of cel 
collectors are all wanting to sell at the same 
time, for whatever reason-- house, marriage, car, 
apartment, computer, etc-- and, realizing that 
only A-level shots will sell well in the current 
buyer's market, all put out some of their best 
cels for sale... and with such lovely cels all 
coming out for sale at the same time, they drive 
each other's prices down because they become 
common, in a manner of speaking.

So, yes, there's a lot of junk cels out there, 
and prices have been going down on them. Yes, 
more and more people are learning how to do 
fancels, and kudos to them; I hope they find it a 
fun hobby, rather than something they just do to 
make money. ^_^ And yes, it's difficult to find 
good cels without running into mountains of the 
other kinds, and it's difficult to sell good cels 
at the prices they were worth two or three years 
ago... but I don't think the junkcels or fancels 
are the reason. 


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