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I feel your aggrivation. . . (Sat Feb 8 02:54:57 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


The top of my favorite Miyu cel of Shiini (which 
I never show in scans) is taped. The registration 
holes (in a thin strip of acetate) were taped 
onto the top of the cel layer with the forground 

And before you look and think: "That's not all 
that terrible!". . . Know that I have a bad 
scanner which somehow didn't pick up the tape as 
well. It looks messier and worse when you see it 
in front of you. ~_~

I haven't found a better solution than to leave 
the studio's tape in place. (Assuming it was 
taped by the studio, which I have no reason to 

Many Sharp Smiles,

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