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Temporarily regretting my collecting habits. . . ~_~;; Show Me. . . !! ^_~ (Mon Feb 10 18:46:46 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I'm in the home stretch of my "Show It All!" 
update. . . Really the only thing left to finish 
(besides little tweaks here and there) are the 
last two pages of the Psychic Force section. (All 
my backgrounded cels from the second episode.) It 
took approximately 5-6 *hours* to complete the 
two pages of backgrounded cels from the first 
episode, and I'm briefly regretting the size of 
my collection. (*laughter*)

Several other people here freely admit to (or at 
least know they're accused of) collecting WAAAAY 
TOO MANY cels from a given show or of a given 
character. *^_^*  So for those people, show me 
one of those types of cels of which your 
collection has "WAAAAY TOO MANY"! ^_~~~~

Help prevent me from going insane!! I'm already 
alternating between either groaning, or laughing 
at things that shouldn't be funny. . . ^_^;;

Many Sharp Smiles,

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