I had a lot of last minute things to tie up,
including names I didn't know (some I'm still
missing) and various tweaks to the quotes, etc.
Then it was trying to shoehorn it all onto the
site. . . Actually uploading it took a lot longer
than I predicted, and came with it's own
problems. (I completely forgot that having it
span three accounts meant my "back" links would
no longer work in some cases, so I had to fix all
of those too! @_@;;)
And for anyone who noticed the atrocious spelling
on the Nuku Nuku TV page, I went back and fixed
that this morning. ^_^;;
And in case anyone else is curious. . . The
approximate cel count is about 850. (It's easy
for me to count since I have all the scans in a
single folder on my computer.) Which, as I said
before, is a lot more than even *I* thought. ^_^;
Many Sharp Smiles,