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Believe it or not. . . . ^_^; (Sun Feb 16 17:31:33 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I didn't realize I had so many!! ^_^;;  I know 
that sounds dumb, but when I made a final tally 
at the end (for my own curiosity) I found I had 
almost 300 more cels than I'd have guessed. ^_^;;

I'm not sure how it happened. . . But I FULLY 
blame the person who taught me how to hang my cel 
books on hangers to save space!! (*laughter*) If 
not for that, I wouldn't have the room to store 
my collection. ^_^  (I used to be *MUCH* pickier 
about which cels I bought due to the space 
considerations of having to store them!)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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