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February Close -out! Deals galore you must explore ^-^ (Mon Feb 17 02:20:20 2003 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

Hi Everyone, ^-^

As some of you may have heard, I am going 
on a long break from just collecting,(not 
quitting) but I will still be behind the scenes 
helping in other areas. But as far as my own 
personal collection goes, I will be halting all 
new purchases for a while. So, I need to clear 
the books!

 Now it is the time for me to fulfill some 
promises and I have a BIG major orders out 
there to complete, but it will take some 

 Now, don’t get me wrong..when you see what 
I have up for offer and sale, you will think 
something terrible has happened, or I have 
gotten depressed or something, but actually 
nothing could be farther from the truth...If all 
goes well, I will be quite the happy collector 
(and not for money but for cels)...

But enough said this is what is on the table for 
some of you that may be very interested, for a 
very limited time:

All of my Escaflowne movie cels (Yes, it is true 
this time) ALL of them--- the winged Van/
Hitomi cel included, are NOW up for offer. 
There will be no backing down from this. 
Some collectors have specifically e-mailed 
me, in the past,about all of these cels and I 
have not forgotten about you. I will try to contact 
you if possible, but send me an e-mail again 
just in case.

All of my MISC. cels..that `s right ALL of 
them...^-^ ..take your pick and send in an offer. 
Every single offer will be considered.

Any Iria cel ..probably one of the best Iria close 
ups that I have ever seen. But it is okay, that 
one too.

GUNNM: Now, slowdown and think wisely. I 
get picky about offers from this selection. If you 
get this far note that cels on page one of this 
section are absolutely not for sale. Page two: 
These cels I will consider an offer on except 
the repo cel and Gally in a crouch position 
(OVA 2).  The Gally with background, and any 
male character cel  after that is up for offer (Ido 
and Yugo included) Chiren on page three is 
not for sale. Everything else on page three and 
four is also up for offer. If you like to purchase 
all of these preferably, in a block is also 
possible and you would get a nice discount.

Hanken cels:
Everything but the KITE, feel free to make an 

Anything else that I didn’t mention, I will also 
consider, you just have to ask me...

Any other questions that you might have 
please e-mail me at the above URL

Please note: Try not to ask me how much I 
want for such and such. If you cannot help it 
and do not really know the items value, ask 
around. I don’t want to get the:

 "I don’t know what to ask, and I hope that my 
offer is not ridiculously low " "How much do 
you want?" comments.

 I prefer not to answer those kinds of remarks, 
I can give you a "ball-park" figure of what the 
going or current market suggests, but that 
might be higher or lower then what will be 
excepted, because you may not be the only 
person that wants it. I do not like bidding wars 
of one-dollar increments. 

Unless you are prepared and really want the 
cel. Please don’t bother. I am not running an 

My experience tells me that you are not really 
serious if you contact me with this type of e-

When this post has ended, probably in a day 
or two, which is usually the case,,I will move 
on to other avenues for sale. 

Thanks for your consideration,


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